
Nuestro equipo

Nuestro equipo

Our Professional & Friendly Dentists

SmilePure always places patients at the center of our attention, and concentrate on improving their experience with the aid of technologies. Get rid of your pain, stress, and enduring with our 24/7 dental services. It’s a priority to relieve the pain and damage to your mouth in surgeon as much as possible.

Meet our team

The specialists at SmilePure make efforts to provide gentle and caring treatments to ensure your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
Dollie Horton
Chief People Officer

She has been providing dental services at Denteeth Clinic for 10 years now. She's considerate and professional.

Theresa Cruz
President & CEO

He's the most experienced doctors of all the staffs at Denteeth. Patients love him for his carefulness, humor and wisdom.

Jane Jackson
Jane Jackson

She has the ability to answer all questions with clear instructions, easy to follow her guide with great patience.

Lena Clarke
Lena Clarke

She graduated from Harvard University and had 5 years of working in dentistry. She's got a shrewd instinct.

Scott Colon
Scott Colon

Ladies love him not only because of his professional advice & etiquette but also because of his friendliness.

Danny Reed
Danny Reed

He makes people have a feeling that he's strict, but in fact, he's quite friendly and likes to small talk to patients.

Bertha Sherman

She loves kids and has special talents when it comes to dealing with kids. Her major patients are kids, too.

Lillie Riley
Lillie Riley

His smile is the thing that patients admire the most. He said his dream is to make people obtain the best smile.

Pearl Wheeler
Pearl Wheeler
Financial Services

She has the ability to answer all questions with clear instructions, easy to follow her guide with great patience.

We put your smile at our priority

Believe. Expectation. Reality.